Ayurvedic Yoga Massage:
AY The Ayurvedic Yoga Massage was created by an Indian lady called Kusum Modak, by joining the Traditional Ayurvedic Massage to therapeutic moves inspired in elements of stretching postures of Hatha Yoga. AYM session has around one hour of duration, where we utilize vegetal oils and calamus powder, nourishing the body tissues and, at the same time, stimulating the skin, the blood circulation and intensifying the process of toxins liberation.
Benefits of AYM:
· Promotes circulation of all body liquids · Reduces muscular over-tension · Increases flexibility and range of motion · Realigns anatomical structure · Increases energy · Develops proprioception AYM can cure or help in treatments in some cases as: · Mental stress and physical tension · Joints and muscles pain · Respiratory problems, such as shallow breathing, asthma · Circulatory problems related to stiffness and lack of exercise · Bad posture and related pain · Digestive and intestinal problems · Stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion and lethargy · Headaches and sleep-related problems
About the therapist :
Ana Poubel has been a yoga teacher and body therapist for 15 years. Disciple of Swami Nirmalatmananda (Ramakrishna Order); Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist by the Kusum Modak Method (Pune, India); studies Indian philosophy and psychology with Pravrajika Vivekaprana (Ramakrishna-Sarada Mission - Pangot, India); Yoga practitioner and teacher by the tradition of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, having studied with his direct disciples Ramaswami Srivatsa and BNS Iyengar, as well as students of TKV Desikachar Jorge Knak, Maria Nazaré Cavalcanti and hes current teacher Diego Koury; studies Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff (NY, USA) and Yoga of the Voice with Alba Lirio (RJ, Brazil) and Silvia Nakkach (CA, USA). Graduated in Dance at Angel Vianna College (RJ, Brazil); and Pedagogue by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State (RJ, Brazil).